Thursday, March 3, 2011

It Takes Heart to Be a Hero

Jump Rope for Heart is off and kicking. Third, fourth and fifth grade students have been given their packets and are out collecting donations.  Each year we participate in this fundraiser for the American Heart Association, and turn over a nice collection of money. Each class will jump rope during their last two PE classes before spring break.  All donations need to be turned in to me or the school office by their last jump day. For my students at Washington this is March 18.  For my students at Pence this is March 17.  On the two days we jump rope during class time the students are allowed to bring in music to play while we jump. Please bring in CDs rather than ipods or mp3 players, and please make sure the music lyrics are all acceptable for school.

I have included a promotional video that helps explain the event. NOTE: The prizes shown at the end are from last year.

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